Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Well, that didn't go quite as I hoped.

Long story short, I missed the bus. There's something about London that kills my ability to find my way around, and so despite giving myself an hour and a half lead time I got to the coach station just in time to see a bus that was most likely mine pulling away. And so I'm not going to lie to you, I stomped around and cried a bit. There's no getting that money back, and there's no other coach until late at night and - well, things keep going wrong in London, and so being there was not at all making me happy.

So I left. I got a reasonably cheap train ticket, for a train ticket - it was less than a hundred pounds, which is still far over budget, but okay. I'll make up for it one way or another. And you know what? It's okay. I've been talking to the lady next to me, and there's wifi on the train (which is where I am right now, in fact - we just pulled through of Durham, I think - I only saw the sign in passing - and it is beautiful), and I'm going to get there earlier than I would have on the coach, and it's okay. It's just money. I have enough, and when I get home I will make some more. It's okay. I'm far from being in the red, which is more than nearly everybody I know my age can say; I must be doing something right.

Anyway, all that happened yesterday was I went to the science and natural history museums. They were pretty good, but all that walking made my feet hurt. And I miss aquariums all the more for seeing all those models. But the science museum has a pretty Exploratorum-esque section full of hands-on stuff. (Also nudity. Whee!) Not a bad use of a day.

Bonus: sammmiches. Tesco may be pretty crap, but they are crap with cheap sammiches. (Although the light egg and cress tastes like nothing at all. I have a cheese and onion here, I will report later.) Cheddar and Branston pickle was nice too. This is one thing the US could stand to introduce, if you ask me. And tonight, I learn about Irn-Bru!


Azetidine said...

I liked the natural history museum - I notice some of your pictures were from it; props - but I didn't make time to go into the science museum. Alas. Though at one point I did go into the Victoria and Albert across the street; that was well worth seeing at least for me (interested in design). They had some neat Japanese textiles, if I remember correctly. And a tomb with an inscription that I was so impressed with that I copied it down in my sketchbook.


wanderfish said...

Yeah, I didn't take a lot of pictures from the museums, since there are very few ways to do it without getting in the way and being annoying. But something about all the whales hanging from the ceiling just made me give up and do it anyway. The science museum was really engineery for the most part, so I felt I wasn't getting as much out of it as I could have, but there were some neat bits. And lots and lots of steam engines.

I would have gone to the Victoria and Albert, but I didn't make time for that either. (Also I couldn't figure out what it was.) There's one picture of the outside, though.