Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First day.

The west wind been calling, my heart is falling
In love with my shoes, walk off these blues
World I have not seen, places I’ve not been

So I made it to Dublin with no particular trouble, except perhaps for the bit where the light unexpectedly changed on me mid-street crossing and I nearly got run over. That was in Walnut Creek, though.

I didn't manage to sleep much on the plane, so much of what was effectively today (which is actually a combination of Monday and Tuesday, I guess) was fairly dull. Watched out the window, trying to figure out where I was, but apparently the whole of the flight was over either snowy mountains or small indeterminate lakes separated by snaking bits of land, so it was tricky to narrow things down. Ireland is quite neat-looking from above, though. All wiggly bits of road separating green from green, not the squares-within-squares postage-stamp collection that is the American Midwest, Also, all the houses look exactly the same and none of the roads in town are straight either.

Liam's parents have been good enough to let me stay with them a while, so my home base 'til Friday morn is Santry, Dublin. Mostly today I've been getting acclimated, which mainly means wandering the streets and watching TV to find out that everything is pretty much exactly the same as I'm used to only the streets are smaller and inverted, there are butchers in the mall, and some but not all of the people on TV have accents I'm not entirely accustomed to. And the chocolate is different, as I suspect I'm going to be encouraged to try more of tomorrow. (I bought the chocolate-coated Turkish Delight, but I haven't been feeling up to actually eating it yet. Liam bought me mint Aero, though, which excites me greatly.) The country music collection infomercials are pretty much the same, though.

Status so far:
- Not yet lost.
- Still mostly talking the same way I did yesterday.
- Still have my liver (mainly because I was feeling a bit too residual-plane-ooky to actually take any of the beer I was offered).

Not half bad, then. Will try to actually take pictures tomorrow.

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