Thursday, May 1, 2008

Second day.

(Which I forgot to blog on, so I'll have to reconstruct it now.)

The thing I do most when I'm traveling is gen'rally do what I would do at home. This is not quite so dull as it might sound, at least not to me. I suppose it's mainly in order to feel comfortable there while still learning about the place, or maybe just that I've never had much of a taste for the tourist attractions where I live so why go see someone else's?

So this day was mainly spent doing things with Liam. Slept entirely too long, wandered around and saw some graffiti, went to meet his granny (and assorted relatives and dog who were hanging around), were fed lots of ice cream. We played with a smallish child and mostly managed to outsmart him, and I got told about how Journey is making a massive comeback, just you wait and see. Also I got quizzed about whether my intentions were honorable, but answering that one too honestly would be tipping my hand.

After that we played some board games and Apples to Apples; I lost miserably at the former and did okay at the latter mainly for my ability to read the minds of geeks. Wandered home in the dark, something I would never be able to do by myself, I'm sure. The Romans should have come over here, I'm telling you.

Really, not a day about which there's much to post, but a very nice day all the same.


Skippy said...

You need comments! Lots of them!

Was a good day. They all were. Sorry there was no rain.

Also, you might want to link to the pictures from here, too.

wanderfish said...

Well, there weren't any pictures when I wrote that!

Will link in a moment once I have things all updated and such, though.